

About company

The Zdravmedtech-Novosibirsk enterprise was founded in 2003.

year of foundation of Zdravmedtech-Novosibirsk
20 +
years on the market
production sites
1 000 +
partners buy our products


We produce a wide range of disposable medical clothing and underwear, surgical kits and personal protective equipment used in the provision of various types of medical care and surgical operations.

Sobstvennyye proizvodstvennyye ploshchadi, kvalifikatsiya i opyt personala, primeneniye sobstvennykh originalʹnykh razrabotok i tekhnologiy, sovremennoye oborudovaniye i vysokiy urovenʹ avtomatizatsii proizvodstva pozvolyayut nam osushchestvlyatʹ vypusk produktsii, sootvet·stvuyushchey trebovaniyam natsionalʹnogo standarta RF GOST EN 13795 i mezhdunarodnym standartam kachestva. Pri proizvodstve odnorazovoy meditsinskoy odezhdy i belʹya ispolʹzuyut·sya sovremennyye mnogosloynyye netkanyye materialy, adgezivnyye sloi, operatsionnyye plenki.
Own production facilities, qualifications and experience of personnel, the use of our own original developments and technologies, modern equipment and a high level of production automation allow us to produce products that meet the requirements of the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST EN 13795 and international quality standards. In the production of disposable medical clothing and underwear, modern multilayer nonwoven materials, adhesive layers, and surgical films are used.

История компании


Zdravmedtech® products have been tested in leading medical organizations in Russia and registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. All manufactured medical products have registration certificates and quality certificates. The company has implemented and operates a quality management system (QMS) that meets the requirements of interstate and national standards:
1. GOST R ISO 9001–2015 (ISO 9001:2015) “Quality management systems. Requirements»;

2. GOST ISO 13485–2017 (ISO 13485:2016) Medical devices. Quality management systems. Requirements for Regulatory Purposes”.

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The main advantage of using disposable clothing in medicine is to reduce the risk of infection during surgical interventions and other types of medical care, to reduce the incidence of postoperative infectious wound complications. Zdravmedtech® products provide effective protection and comfortable working conditions for medical personnel, protection from contact with biological fluids during operations, allow you to reliably limit the surgical field and ensure the sterility of equipment.

Disposable clothes and underwear are sterilized by radiation at two sites in the Novosibirsk Region — SFM-Pharm LLC (Biotechnopark of the science city of Koltsovo) and the Institute of Nuclear Physics named after A.I. G. I. Budker SB RAS.

History of the company

The Zdravmedtech-Novosibirsk enterprise was founded in 2003.
In 2011, we received a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor for a set of sterile single-use hemodialysis products.
Opening of a new production site. The production area has been increased to 3,500 m².
The Zdravmedtech-Novosibirsk enterprise was recognized as the winner of the All-Russian competition "Russian Business Leaders: Dynamics, Responsibility, Sustainability" in the nomination "The Best Import Substitution Project".
The Zdravmedtech-Novosibirsk enterprise joined the National Project "Labor Productivity". At our enterprise, measures are successfully implemented to optimize production, tools and principles of lean production have been introduced.
New production sites were opened, separate divisions in the Novosibirsk region, in the city of Tatarsk, the city of Chulym. The total number of the enterprise reached 500 people. A new administrative and production building with an area of ​​1,000 m² was put into operation, the total area of ​​​​the main production in the city of Berdsk is 5,500 m².
A new warehouse complex with an area of ​​2,500 m2 was put into operation. The total area of ​​production premises was 8,500 m2.
The company "Zdravmedtekh-N" celebrated its 20th anniversary.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasida “Chirchiq kimyo-sanoat parki”da ishlab chiqarish maydonchasi ochildi, ishlab chiqarish maydoni 1000 m2, xodimlar soni 30 kishi.