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Results of the implementation of the National Project «Labor Productivity»


We summed up the results of the implementation of the National Project «Labor Productivity». According to the results of the project:

  • we increased production per shift by 37%;
  • reduced the level of work in progress by 29%;
  • reduced the time of processes by 19%;
  • we reconstructed the packaging workshop, separated the packaging flows for sterile and non-sterile products, launched modern automatic thermal packaging equipment;
  • implemented lean production tools at the enterprise;
  • 3 sotrudnika poluchili sertifikat po programme podgotovki instruktorov berezhlivogo proizvodstva, 74 sotrudnika proshli obucheniye.
    3 employees received a certificate under the Lean Instructor Training Program, 74 employees were trained.

Our event was attended by the Deputy Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Syomka Sergey Nikolaevich, the Deputy Minister of Health of the Novosibirsk Region Shalygina Lada Stanislavovna, the Head of the Employment Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Novosibirsk Region Olga Igorevna Lazareva, the Head of the Medical Information and Analytical Center Belugina Elena Vladimirovna, the chief physicians of federal medical centers , regional and city hospitals, polyclinics and maternity hospitals, central regional hospitals, more than 100 invited